
Every worshiper is a member of the Finance Committee. We welcome your participation and gifts.


Every worshiper is a member of the Finance Ministry. Not only do your donations maintain the “brick and mortar” of our church, they allow us to minister to the hungry, the homeless, the needy and those who do not know Jesus as their personal Savior. Without your participation in the Finance Ministry, we would not be able to spread the Word to those in our community and beyond.

Meet Brother Aaron Webb

Aaron Webb
Chair of Finance

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I give?

Tithes and offerings and can be mailed in to the church, dropped off at the Church or made through Givelify.

Does it matter how much or how often I give?

While the Bible encourages us to give with tithes, any donation to the Church, no matter the amount, can be used for the Glory of God. Regular giving is essential to maintain all of the ministries of the Church.

Let’s Chat!

Have a question about our ministry or want to volunteer?
Fill out the following form and we’ll get back to you within 48 hours.