Serving families for generations...
Meet The Holloway Family

Christian Education and Enrichment
Purpose: To coordinate programs and activities which serve the Christian educational needs of the members and to promote orderly progression from one state to another in the Christian’s growth.
Church Fellowship
Purpose: To participate in and encourage worship; to build and maintain an atmosphere of Christian unity and fellowship; and to spread God’s word in our daily lives.

Support Services
Purpose: To share our time and talents to fulfill the needs of our church and community.
Media and Communications
Purpose: To spread the Word of God through print, social media and broadcast outlets.

Mission and Outreach
Purpose: To take the good news of the Gospel of the redeeming love of Christ into all the Nation and to give witness in local as well as global communities by meeting the physical and spiritual needs of the saved and unsaved.
Lay Leadership
Purpose: To encourage others to accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior; to assist in the management of the church; to assist in the worship services; and to establish and maintain accurate files of the church records.

Health and Recreation
Purpose: To encourage a healthy lifestyle and assists the church and community to achieve optimal health through sports and wellness of the body, mind and spirit.