The Vintage Victors Seniors Ministry began after broad input and ideas from senior members from SMBC.
A group of faithful and dedicated VV Senior Ministry Advisors continues to use the information gathered to design, develop and present activities and events to serve the needs and interests of senior saints, starting with hosting Quarterly Vintage Victors Lunch and Game Days and promoting participation in various church workshops and trainings, community discussions and productions, senior movement and exercise classes, and other church sponsored and city-wide senior services. We believe the words in Psalm 92:14, our elderly members have immense value, and we know from reading in Joshua 13:1 growing older is not a barrier to be used by God.
The Vintage Victors Senior Ministry exists to encourage believers who are 60+ to engage in activities and have experiences which supports spiritual growth, promotes health and wellness, offers opportunities for age-appropriate educational pursuits, and fosters living joy filled, purpose-driven lives in connection with others through outreach, service and participation in wholesome happenings.
A group of faithful and dedicated VV Senior Ministry Advisors continues to use the information gathered to design, develop and present activities and events to serve the needs and interests of senior saints, starting with hosting Quarterly Vintage Victors Lunch and Game Days and promoting participation in various church workshops and trainings, community discussions and productions, senior movement and exercise classes, and other church sponsored and city-wide senior services. We believe the words in Psalm 92:14, our elderly members have immense value, and we know from reading in Joshua 13:1 growing older is not a barrier to be used by God.
The Vintage Victors Senior Ministry exists to encourage believers who are 60+ to engage in activities and have experiences which supports spiritual growth, promotes health and wellness, offers opportunities for age-appropriate educational pursuits, and fosters living joy filled, purpose-driven lives in connection with others through outreach, service and participation in wholesome happenings.
Meet Sister Theresa